Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Great conversations

Peanut and cracker jack never cease to amaze me with what comes out of their mouths. I've had quite a few great conversations with them lately.

Sunday we were at church downstairs playing in the toddler room. Mr. T was building with blocks.
Me: "Trevor, what are you making?"
T: "A birthday cake."
Me: "Who's birthday cake?"
T: "Mine."
Me: "Honey, your birthday isn't until this summer. I'm not sure it will last that long. Carrie's birthday is coming up soon."
T: "It's my birthday cake but I'll share it with Uncle Carrie and Uncle John."
Me: "You mean Aunt Carrie not uncle."
T: "You know what I mean." :)

On Sundays we go to my parents' for lunch. We were leaving their house and Gretchen was wondering about Nala.
G: "Where's Nala? I didn't see him when we left."
Me: "He probably went into the barn to stay warm."
G: "No, mom. I think dad ran over him and he's hanging on under our car."
At this point, I'm very glad I'm not the one driving. Ray and I laugh quite a bit.
Me: "Gretchen, are you sure he's under there?"
G: "Oh yeah, he's coming home with us."
We get down to the stop sign at the end of the road.
G: "Oh, there I think he jumped off and is going home. He's going back to grandma's house."
I'm happy to report Nala is safe and sound at grandma's.

Tonight as I was getting the kids out of the bathtub and dressed, Mr. T announced that he needed to make a stinky. I jump at the chance to get him out of the tub and onto the potty. He screams, hollers and throw his fit while sitting on the potty. As sure as can be that I will drop him into the potty. I finally get him calmed down and dressed with a diaper on. I then proceed to go potty.
T: "See mom you have big buns so you can sit on the potty. I have small buns, I fall in."
Thanks Trevor.

I just love the stuff they come up with. :)

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