Saturday, September 25, 2010

Goodbye Jeep!!

Last Christmas as part of Ray's present he bought a truck. The Jeep had been having problems and acting up which it made it very unreliable for us. Ray needed something more reliable and more practical. The Jeep had served us 6 years but it was time to part ways. The kids, however, didn't like this idea at all.

Ray and of course his little helper doing one last check of the oil.

Ray parked the Jeep in the front yard and I set out to taking pictures of it. We decided our best bet was to list it on Craigslist and just see what happens. There was just one slight problem, Duckie and Mr. T thought they needed to be in every single picture. I had to explain numerous times that were selling the Jeep and not him and Duckie.

I'm happy to say the Jeep is no longer a part of our family. After a few days of adjusting to the fact that it is gone, the kids seem to be happy too.

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