Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This year Halloween was a very busy weekend for us. Friday afternoon we left for Indy to cheer on Aunt Lynnette in her band finals. This was the first experience for the kids in a hotel and lets just say everyone didn't get much sleep. Saturday morning we were up early for her competition and then headed home. We made it home and had to be out the doors for trick-or-treating in a half hour. The kids were real troopers.

Handy Manny and Ariel were the choices for their pumpkins this year.

Handy Manny and Snow White ready to head out to trick-or-treat.

It took them awhile to get the hang of it but once they didn't they loved it. Gretchen enjoyed seeming some of her classmates while we were out and about.

Unfortunately this is only picture of the Gator dressed up as Handy Manny's red car that I got with the camera. I will have to check with Ray later to see if he got any on his phone. The kids loved driving it around the neighborhood instead of walking. You can also notice in the back their is a stash of batteries just in case. Ray set it up for headlights in the front and there's a light bar in the back too for when it got dark cars could see them coming.

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