Yes, yes. We are all still alive here. My days seem to fly by which leaves not too much time for blogging. Let's see where shall I begin. Oh how about here...
One of those signs can now be found in our front yard. That's right we've made the jump to sell our house. A few months back we talked to a banker about the possibility of building. The best idea for our financial situation is for us to sell our current home, rent while the new one is being built and then be able to build what we want. We've had quite a few phone calls about the house but everyone seems to want to do a land contract. Nope, no thanks gotta sell this baby. We're talked to a local builder that Ray has been working with at work and he has been working on the new house plans for us. That way once this house sells we'll be able to start immediately on the next one.
Then we have these. They are the reason I am able to type this post in the middle of the day. GeoTrax. Last spring I was able to snag some up at a garage sale for an unbelievably awesome price. Both of the kiddos love playing with them. And to be honest so does daddy. We've been on the hunt for more this garage sale season. They are hard to find and I'm not a fan of paying the full price for some of these. Last week I stumbled upon a few eBay auctions for a good reasonably price. The mailman brought them yesterday morning and after a quick swim in the bathtub the kids have playing with them ever since. Gretchen was even thrilled to see some new ones after school yesterday.
Miss princess is almost done with kindergarten. She's got just over 2 weeks left. She seems to enjoy school and loves the interaction with other kids her own age and not just brother. I must say it's been great to watch her change this past year. And by the way, Trevor reminds me weekly that he is not going to school EVER. He's staying home to be mommy's buddy. I'm not so sure of that.
Last but certainly not least is Mr. T himself. Whoever told you about terrible two's is lying. Threes are worse!! He's been quite the handful lately. There are many days when Ray gets home from work that I hand Mr. T over to Ray and tell him he's all yours. I love him to death but he wears me out. I think he's ready to have sister home for the summer to play with but I'm not sure I'm ready. :)
1 comment:
Ah, finally! A new post!
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