Monday, December 12, 2011

Kids say the darnest things

Kids sure do say the darnest things. Trevor definitely does. My days with him are nothing but chopped full of excitement. Here are just a few of the conversations that have taken place lately.
I was downstairs finishing up on the treadmill one morning and Mr. T was patiently waiting in the doorway. He points to the air hockey table that is down there.
T: Those are hockey sticks.
Me: How did you know that?
T: Grandma told me 'cause John and Carrie like hockey.
M: What else did Grandma tell you?
T: You wouldn't want to know.
Grandma, what are you teaching my little man!!
Trevor and I were sitting down for lunch. He started talking (not sure what it was about) and asked a question.
Me: I'm not sure Trevor.
T: I wasn't talking to you.
M: Well, who you were talking to?
T: Myself, duh!
(I know ask first if he's talking to me before answering a question.)
A few days before Thanksgiving, we went in for our Christmas family pictures. The photographer had taken pictures of the family and then the kids. Ray and I had wanted some pictures of just the 2 of us. On the last photo, she told us to kiss.
T: But they are already married!
Friday we were making cookies and I was scooping the batter into a container to put in the frig to bake the cookies later.
T: Can I help you put it in there?
M: Trevor, I'm not sure where those fingers have been.
T: That's good 'cause I was just picking my nose with them. (Then proceeds to pick again.)
By this point, I'm hunched over laughing and there may have been a few snorts to go along with it.
On Monday afternoon, we were downstairs and he found the nativity scene.
T: Mom, what are the names of the 3 wisemen?
M: Trevor, I'm not really sure.
T: Why not?
M: I'm not sure if ever says.
I proceed to tell him that tomorrow is Tuesday and we were going to the church to clean and he could go ask Pastor Steve. (He did and I'll be sure to ask Steve on Sunday how that conversation went.)
With most of the conversations we have, he states stuff in his "matter-of-fact" face not laughing or giggling as he says it. I think that's what makes it so funny.
Oh, and Miss G joins in to.
I was in the kitchen the day after Thanksgiving warming up leftovers from Thursday lunch. Ham, turkey, mashed potatoes and corn just like what we had the previous lunch.
G: Mom, something smells like I'm not going to like it for lunch.
M: Gretchen, it's exactly what we had yesterday for lunch.
G: I'm not sure I'm going to like it.
She ate lunch just fine that day.
Never a dull moment in a houseful of kids!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Our Summer in Pictures

Many bike rides especially down to the school to play on the playground.

Hose water is the best!!

Lots of popsicles

Fair rides

Trips to the beach

Fall is here

Fall has arrived and I think winter was trying to make an appearance this weekend. We had a patch of hail come out of no where on Saturday and Mr. T exclaimed it was snowing. With the arrival of fall comes another busy time in the Van Daele household. Tuesday nights and Wednesday nights seem to be the most hectic. Both nights you can find us eating close to 5 so Ray can run out the door and to class by 6 on Tuesday nights. Wednesday nights it's me and the kidlets running out the door to make it to Team KID at church. They're both hectic nights but definitely worth it. Mr. T is especially liking the idea of being old enough to hang out with the "big" kids at Team KID.
Miss G is doing especially well at school. I had her parent-teacher conferences last week and was once again reassured she's doing GREAT and right on track. As some of you know, last year I struggled to get her on the bus in the morning. She's the last one on the bus and not a fan of having lots of pairs of eyes starring at her as she gets on. This year I am happy to say we haven't had a problem. Thank goodness!

First Day of School
Ray is really busy at work. As of last week they had 5 new homes they are installing in. Today they are installing a new furnace and air conditioning in an existing home. There have been a few weeks the only times the kids get to see him is to brush their teeth at night and then the weekend. This winter they are doing another huge house (5500+ square foot) in Angola which means many late nights or even the possibility of spending nights in hotels. Friday his boss told him to take the day off to relax. The kiddos headed to grandma and grandpa's for a play-date and sleep-over and he and I headed to Chicago for the day. We hit up the Ikea store while we were there. It was the first time there but I see many trips in the future.

I've been busy at home trying to keep Mr. T under control as well as the dust bunnies and dog hair. Mr. T is keeping me quite busy. The house is still for sale. We had a lot of interest in the beginning but not much here lately. We're thinking of meeting with another realtor in the near future to see if we can move this process along a little faster.

He's full of potatoes

Now Aunt Carrie since you've been begging for a blog update, you must now come to my house and remove all of the stickers that Mr. T has strategically position around the basement in the time it has taken me to type this. I'll be waiting. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Splish, splash and playground fun

Friday mid-morning the kids and I headed over to Wakarusa. First we hit the playground and then over to the splash pad. I've gotta warn you there aren't many pictures from the playground since Gretchen was in one of her moods. She claimed it was too hot to play and didn't like the fact that we left the house without her and Trevor knowing where we were going.

He loved spinning her around. Her not so much.

The kids were pleasantly surprised with the surprise stop to the splash pad. The best part there weren't many kids over there.

Sometimes a little rest is needed at the splash pad. It's hard work running around.

Someone also thought it was a good idea to work on their tan.

We finished off the afternoon with a special treat from McDonald's.

Looks like it was a GOOD day!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Father's Day

This year for Father's Day I decided to have the kids make a project for Ray. I decided to have the kids make him a picture frame. The kids painted it with whatever color they wanted and then choose what they wanted written on it. They also got to choose which picture they wanted in it. They loved looking at all of the pictures of themselves.

Look at that focus and concentration in those eyes.

Green of course

You can see that tongue starting to stick out.

I don't have any after pictures so I guess you'll just have to stop by and see the finished product. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Popsicles, anyone?

At the beginning of the summer, the kids and I sat down and made a list of things the kids wanted to do this summer. It's our Summer List. One of those things was to make homemade popsicles. That's exactly what we did yesterday. The kids and I made those yesterday morning and enjoyed them in the afternoon. I have no pictures of the process b/c well to be honest it was difficult with 2 very excited kids to stop and take any pictures. Enjoy the pictures!

The popsicle fell off the stick and he resorted to a spoon. He was still as happy as can be.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We're ALIVE!!

Yes, yes. We are all still alive here. My days seem to fly by which leaves not too much time for blogging. Let's see where shall I begin. Oh how about here...

One of those signs can now be found in our front yard. That's right we've made the jump to sell our house. A few months back we talked to a banker about the possibility of building. The best idea for our financial situation is for us to sell our current home, rent while the new one is being built and then be able to build what we want. We've had quite a few phone calls about the house but everyone seems to want to do a land contract. Nope, no thanks gotta sell this baby. We're talked to a local builder that Ray has been working with at work and he has been working on the new house plans for us. That way once this house sells we'll be able to start immediately on the next one.

Then we have these. They are the reason I am able to type this post in the middle of the day. GeoTrax. Last spring I was able to snag some up at a garage sale for an unbelievably awesome price. Both of the kiddos love playing with them. And to be honest so does daddy. We've been on the hunt for more this garage sale season. They are hard to find and I'm not a fan of paying the full price for some of these. Last week I stumbled upon a few eBay auctions for a good reasonably price. The mailman brought them yesterday morning and after a quick swim in the bathtub the kids have playing with them ever since. Gretchen was even thrilled to see some new ones after school yesterday.

Miss princess is almost done with kindergarten. She's got just over 2 weeks left. She seems to enjoy school and loves the interaction with other kids her own age and not just brother. I must say it's been great to watch her change this past year. And by the way, Trevor reminds me weekly that he is not going to school EVER. He's staying home to be mommy's buddy. I'm not so sure of that.

Last but certainly not least is Mr. T himself. Whoever told you about terrible two's is lying. Threes are worse!! He's been quite the handful lately. There are many days when Ray gets home from work that I hand Mr. T over to Ray and tell him he's all yours. I love him to death but he wears me out. I think he's ready to have sister home for the summer to play with but I'm not sure I'm ready. :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Day 2011!!

It started with a little snow and then it just kept coming. The meteorologists listed it as a blizzard. We were then under an emergency warning and school was mostly definitely canceled. However, that crazy husband of mine still went to work. The kids couldn't wait for him to come home and play in the snow with them.

The 3 stooges in the igloo they made.

Gretchen scraping out the inside.

Mr. T getting his rear end in there.

Gretchen observing it from the outside.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Date with Daddy!!

Last night Ray and Trevor decided to head to Ft. Wayne for some bonding time. The Farm Show was there and thought they would check it out.

Mr. T checking out the tractors.

This little boy was like a kid in a candy store. He had so much fun!! This is all he has been talking about today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To School We Go!!

Today Trevor and I made a visit to Gretchen's kindergarten class to celebrate her birthday.

Being Miss Shy as everyone sang Happy Birthday to her. She was excited to wear the Birthday crown for the day.

We took in some cupcakes and juice pouches. Mr. T was so excited to be able to sit beside his big sister while they ate together.

For some reason he thought he was Big Stuff and was going to spend the rest of the day with the class. Watching them sit together, it made me realize that time has flown by. Before I know it he'll be wanting to march out the door off to school too.