Monday, June 13, 2011

Father's Day

This year for Father's Day I decided to have the kids make a project for Ray. I decided to have the kids make him a picture frame. The kids painted it with whatever color they wanted and then choose what they wanted written on it. They also got to choose which picture they wanted in it. They loved looking at all of the pictures of themselves.

Look at that focus and concentration in those eyes.

Green of course

You can see that tongue starting to stick out.

I don't have any after pictures so I guess you'll just have to stop by and see the finished product. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Popsicles, anyone?

At the beginning of the summer, the kids and I sat down and made a list of things the kids wanted to do this summer. It's our Summer List. One of those things was to make homemade popsicles. That's exactly what we did yesterday. The kids and I made those yesterday morning and enjoyed them in the afternoon. I have no pictures of the process b/c well to be honest it was difficult with 2 very excited kids to stop and take any pictures. Enjoy the pictures!

The popsicle fell off the stick and he resorted to a spoon. He was still as happy as can be.