All of this loading the cookie press and watching mommy make the cookie dough, makes for one tired little Gretchen.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Christmas Cookies!!
All of this loading the cookie press and watching mommy make the cookie dough, makes for one tired little Gretchen.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Indianapolis and Band finals
Once we got to the hotel they both headed straight towards the pool. It was quite chilly so we settled for a little time in the hot tub. Then it was off to bed. If only it was that easy. Not much sleep happened at all.
Saturday morning we up early and off to Lucas Oil Stadium. I think this was probably the highlight of the weekend for Ray and I. It was so huge and we had heard so many wonderful things about it. Ray's mom had warned us about parking and coming early. We lucked out and found this awesome spot just across the street and it was FREE!!
The view from the parking spot. (Not zoomed in at all.)
The kids and Ray all decked out in their Concord Marching Band shirts trying to find Aunt Lynnette. We found some seats at the end of the stadium which worked out well. There weren't many people around so the kids could talk and move around as they pleased.
This little monkey got very antsy near the end. He was also concerned about making it home in time for trick-or-treating. He asks nearly every day if we can go to another hotel to sleep over. I think there might be another short little get away in our future. Maybe Spring Break little man, maybe. :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Still Young
Instead it's about Grandpa Nala. It's his birthday. We won't tell how
young Grandpa Nala is but Trevor says he's not old yet. (Trevor is starting to notice the difference in peoples' age and looks.)
We should have known from the start that you to would be 2 peas in a pod.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Mr. Big Stuff
Our first and most important item of business to take care of once Gretchen started school was potty training. Mommy hit the whip and after a few days filled with accidents we were good to go. The Lightning McQueen underwear can be spotted daily in this house. We have our occasional accidents at night which seem to be related to bad dreams. He now refers to himself as a Big Boy.
Mr. Big Boy is quite the helper. He spends most mornings helping me do the dishes. Most of the time he ends up having to change his shirt as he gets confused about where the water goes and does not go. Fridays you can find him chasing after me as I clean the house; whether that be chasing me with the toilet bowl brush or trying to get the sweeper. He likes a clean house too.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Franklin comes to Visit
Friday evening the kiddos and Ray headed out to the farm to get some straw for a straw ride Saturday evening. Trevor was having a hard time adjusting to the fact that Franklin was not ours and would be returned to school on Monday morning.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Goodbye Jeep!!
Ray parked the Jeep in the front yard and I set out to taking pictures of it. We decided our best bet was to list it on Craigslist and just see what happens. There was just one slight problem, Duckie and Mr. T thought they needed to be in every single picture. I had to explain numerous times that were selling the Jeep and not him and Duckie.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Crossroads Playground
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Peaches and Beach time
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Monkeys.. and not just my 2
We always know the trip was great and worth it when this little boy falls asleep the moment we turn out of the parking lot. Too much walking for these little legs.